Monday, August 1, 2011

Veggie Pasta

So, for my first post (and it happened to be what I was making for dinner) I decided to do Veggie Pasta. I will apologize before I go any further, mostly because I was having camera problems, in fact, I even lost one picture. But it wasn't all that important anyway. If you aren't a slow chopper like me, now is a good time to preheat your oven to 350F

For this dish I am not going to use measurements. You can put anything you want into it in whatever quanities you wish. You don't like peppers? Don't use 'em. Like more spinach but no onion, go for it. Its really all up to you, I'm just gonna show you the basics. Also the one picture I lost, I decided on a spur of the moment to add black olives. Everyone loves black olives. 

And oh yeah, I add A LOT of cheese.

Chop everything up. Size doesn't really matter but I quartered mine, I mean did you see the size of that zucchini?! And because of that giant zucchini I eneded up making enough for two whole pans. Yeah, it made a lot. 

I would imagine you can do this without noodles and make it a nice side dish, but since I am making it a meal I went for the noddles. Anything will do, I used... some kind of noddle with a hole it we had left over in the pantry. I just followed the directions on the package, and left it to cool while I finished cutting up my hoard of vegetables.

After you get everything cut up and cooked go ahead and pour it into your baking pan. I didn't drain the canned tomatoes, but I like mine a little saucy. I used a couple of cake pans for mine, just remember to grease it before hand! Mix it up well, and then time to add my favorite ingredient...


Mmm... Cheese. You can really use any kind that you want in this. I am more of a traditionalist and go with the Italian blend, but you could just as easily use cheddar if you wanted. Once you've got it covered, go ahead and pop it in the oven at 350F for about 45 minutes or until vegetables are cooked through.

Also if you wanted to add meat to it Italian sausage would be really good. I've never tried it because this dish is so filling on its own. 


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